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  1. What about the Forms? I have it purchased from IPS Marketplace, the €10 Renewal is for that case? So if I purchase Competition now, when IPS5 release I need to purchase it again?
  2. I interested in the Competition app too, but there no more explanation about the payment terms, it is monthly or lifetime? If is one payment, how much it is the continue support?
  3. I have that Application Form license from the IPS marketplace ... What about in this case? For the Post Type app, could you explain the subscriber rules? That means charge me monthly or?? What about if I don't have enough money to continue with the subscription?
  4. How can I purchase this app? I can see there a Forms app by you, that is the same name with https://www.devfuse.com/products/63-forms/ are 2 apps by differents authors?
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