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Square Wheels

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Square Wheels last won the day on September 5

Square Wheels had the most liked content!

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  1. I immediately got posts about prior competitions. Some went back a few months. I like that they will show in the stream moving forward.
  2. Please consider several, maybe configurable, outposts. For example, when it's a new month, post to a forum reminding members that it's available. When we get x days from the competition closing, make another post reminding people to vote. I think people on my site would use this more if it were more "in their face". 🙂
  3. COMPETITION_ENTRY_PL_LC Leaderboard --> Top Members --> Dropdown
  4. It seems like you're testing Competitions for extended notifications. As you know, I posted a car pick, and you voted for it. I received two emails about the same vote. Also, it didn't show in the Unread Content stream for me. Is that because I posted it? Thanks for considering these updates.
  5. Square Wheels


  6. Sorry, I thought of that after I made the post. Leaderboard --> Top Members --> click the dropdown. I'm on 1.4.10.
  7. It seems this is not translated COMPETITION_ENTRY_PL_LC I added it to my language, but it's still not showing correctly. Tips on how to fix it? Also, the Downloads says I don't have access to this file.
  8. Hmm, Just tested it. I added https://squarewheelscycling.com/index.php?/competition/entry/125-tree/ This is what's currently in my unread stream.
  9. Is there a way to get it to show up in Streams? I suspect it already does, and it's a setting I missed. It's very easy for people to not know this exists.
  10. Michael's (now abandoned) mod can pick and choose. PM, Email, and / or post.
  11. Hi, If we already bought it, can we enter our code somewhere? Thanks
  12. As you probably know, Welcome PM, sends an email, a post, and a PM (all optional).
  13. This is awesome, thanks for making this available! I just installed, the more popular words spill outside the block.
  14. Sadly he has not been on his own site since May.
  15. Please consider adding a date option. I want to be able to set it so it only shows unanswered topics for the last xx/xx/xxx time period.
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