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Tags Manager


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Tags Manager

This application lists all used tags in the ACP and allows you to change them, which is really handy if you need to fix some typos.

It also allows you to color your tags

Attention: There's a known bug where the tags in the search index aren't updated when Elastic Search is being used.



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Yes you can delete them. 
Not sure about merging, but I think it should work by just changing the old value to the new one. Will test it later today or tomorrow and report back 

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I'm sorry, delete won't work, but updating/merging works.


So if you have e.g. following tags:





you can change test and tst to test and any content with these tags with the typo will be changed to the correct "test" tag.

I have flagged your post as suggestion to not forget about the deletion request, shouldn't be hard to implement:) 

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This needs to be wrapped in a try-catch block


// TODO Queue?
		foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_tags', [ 'tag_text=?', $from ] ) as $row )
			$cache=\IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_tags_cache', [ 'tag_cache_key=?', $row[ 'tag_aai_lookup' ] ] )->first();

there are some circumstances (bugs/3rd party issues) where a tag from core_tags isn't present in core_tags_cache so we need to catch any UnderflowException here

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  • 2 months later...
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Unfortunately it won't work with ES.

I've mentioned this in the description of the file


Attention: There's a known bug where the tags in the search index aren't updated when Elastic Search is being used.

I haven't found a proper fix for this yet, but TBH, I just got an idea while replying this:D

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