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Define inactive users and delete them


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As discussed today, I am looking for a solution to delete inactive users from a large board. I would like to delete all users who have never visited the community after they have registered. The reason is to release their usernames and to prune emails to prevent high bounce.

Is the app “Inactive users” app ready to use? 😉 

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1 hour ago, Sonya said:

Is the app “Inactive users” app ready to use? 

It will be Friday or next week.

I'm rewriting it to make it more powerful and easier to use.

Entering the site in the ACP shows you the form, then on the next site you'll get the list of all members which will be pruned and then you can confirm the action, which initializes a background task that will delete them.

CleanShot 2024-02-28 at 21.10.48@2x.png

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There was an app that automatically did this (fetch weekly the inactive members, send them emails, delete them etc..) and I'm a huge automation fan, but I'm too worried to delete automatically members and their content, so I'm doing this manually once a month.


I could enhance my current app with such a feature,... once the admin confirms the list, the members are "flagged" for deletion and will be deleted in X days if they don't log in until this day.

This also means that once the task was initialized, it won't be possible to trigger any new deletions until the first is finished.


Everything else is just too dangerous and could result in a horrible data loss because of wrong settings or a bug:D

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The app was rewritten from scratch and is being tested on one of my test boards and I've also sent it to 2 other people for some further testing, so it shouldn't take that long until it's available here too:)

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