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Hi Daniel,

A few enhancement suggestions (I had before to previous owner):

  • Allow multiple schedules as you may want to run multiple competitions with different schedules
  • Allow for customized titling in scheduled competitions
  • Add FURL, always appears with index.php?app=competition.  I added a custom FURL manually to achieve this.


  1. How are tie breakers handled, i.e. multiple photos in a photo competition have the same number of votes?
  2. Where are app access permissions set?  I don't see it under the Member Groups or anywhere in the app configuration.
  3. Are the Schedule Permissions global in that they apply to all auto scheduled competitions and any manually created ones?
Edited by Clover13
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IN_DEV php8.2  error:

Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Function utf8_encode() is deprecated"

#10 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/applications/competition/sources/Entry/Entry.php:278
#9 Whoops\Run:handleError in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/applications/competition/sources/Entry/Entry.php:278
#8 IPS\competition\_Entry:IPS\competition\{closure} in [internal]:0
#7 array_walk_recursive in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/applications/competition/sources/Entry/Entry.php:276
#6 IPS\competition\_Entry:processForm in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/system/Content/Item.php:420
#5 IPS\Content\_Item:createFromForm in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/system/Content/Item.php:150
#4 IPS\Content\_Item:create in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/applications/competition/modules/front/competition/enter.php:40
#3 IPS\competition\modules\front\competition\_enter:manage in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php:118
#2 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php:153
#1 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in /Users/daniel/Herd/competitions/index.php:13
#0 require in /Applications/Herd.app/Contents/Resources/valet/server.php:120


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On 1/31/2024 at 4:53 PM, Clover13 said:

Add FURL, always appears with index.php?app=competition.  I added a custom FURL manually to achieve this.

This was actually a bug which I have fixed for the next release

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On 1/31/2024 at 4:53 PM, Clover13 said:

Allow multiple schedules as you may want to run multiple competitions with different schedules

Can you clarify this? Do you mean multiple competitions at once? That's already possible.

Or multiple schedules of the same competition? Can't you create just multiple competitions then?

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On 1/31/2024 at 4:53 PM, Clover13 said:

Where are app access permissions set?  I don't see it under the Member Groups or anywhere in the app configuration.

You can set this via the module permissions ( ACP => System => Applications )

In addition to this every competition has it's own permissions.

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6 hours ago, Daniel said:

Can you clarify this? Do you mean multiple competitions at once? That's already possible.

Or multiple schedules of the same competition? Can't you create just multiple competitions then?

So as an example, say I want to run 3 different competitions

  1. Weekly Photo Contest ABC with a Title "Weekly ABC Photo Contest for {mm/dd/yyyy} - {mm/dd/yyyy}"
  2. Monthly Photo Contest DEF with a Title  "{month} {year} DEF Photo Contest"
  3. A one-off manually created contest

I believe you can manually create #3 any time with a custom start/end timeframe, but you can't setup #1 and #2 under auto-scheduling or with any kind of custom titling (unless I'm not seeing how to do that).  Maybe you can create each manually as well, but then you'd have to do it every week/month/etc.

Also in my case, I likely tie prizes to the competitions so that would be another nice enhancement, maybe an IC5 item 🙂


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Got it, so something like the "Event repeats..." feature in the events app?

You create a competition and then you define that it repeats weekly/monthly

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  • 3 weeks later...
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13 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

It seems this is not translated


I added it to my language, but it's still not showing correctly.

Tips on how to fix it?



Also, the Downloads says I don't have access to this file.

According to the log, the string was removed in 1.4.9

Where exactly do you see it? And try to use lower case characters instead of uppercase ( competition_entry_pl_lc )

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5 hours ago, Daniel said:

According to the log, the string was removed in 1.4.9

Where exactly do you see it? And try to use lower case characters instead of uppercase ( competition_entry_pl_lc )

Sorry, I thought of that after I made the post.

Leaderboard --> Top Members --> click the dropdown.

I'm on 1.4.10.

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It seems like you're testing Competitions for extended notifications.

As you know, I posted a car pick, and you voted for it.

I received two emails about the same vote.

Also, it didn't show in the Unread Content stream for me.  Is that because I posted it?

Thanks for considering these updates.

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Yes, I've installed the recent "dev build" for some testing. I want to release this sooner then later, a lot changed and I pushed the release frequently back:(

5 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

Also, it didn't show in the Unread Content stream for me.  Is that because I posted it?

Yea, or are you seeing your own posts in the unread stream? I hope not.😜

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Daniel just tested out 1.5 RC1, competitions still seem to not be closing out.  I tried a Test only open for a couple of minutes and it did not close.  I then tried to modify the end time to a few hours earlier just in case it was a timezone thing and same thing.

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There’s nothing new, just a bunch of fixed bugs and under the hood improvements . 
usually I log such stuff, but forgot this time.. there were just too many changes 

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:

There’s nothing new, just a bunch of fixed bugs and under the hood improvements . 
usually I log such stuff, but forgot this time.. there were just too many changes 

I immediately got posts about prior competitions.  Some went back a few months.

I like that they will show in the stream moving forward.

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On 3/17/2024 at 4:38 PM, Maria said:

Is this going to be available for IPS5?


On 3/17/2024 at 4:38 PM, Maria said:

Will we lose the data when we upgrade?

Nope. It's going to be a regular upgrade.

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  • 1 month later...

This is an idea from users in our community: Would it be possible to post our pictures in competition ''incognito''? This would allow us to rate only the picture, without looking at the person etc.

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